
By yuseferi, 21 July, 2016

As I've explained Short trip on Entity API in Drupal 8  Entity is the most important thing in Drupal 8, Almost, everything is Entity. So for a Drupal developer, it should be good to have a cheat sheet of Entity API instead of googling every time he/she need something, and of course, after a while, they saved in the long-term memory of Developer.

Let's jump into summarized Drupal 8 Entity API.

By yuseferi, 18 January, 2016

Usually, we something happen in the application level with 500 error , application throw an 500 http error.

it might be happen on the live website, the result is un ugly white page with "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."  error inside.


custom 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR page  module  helps you to customize the page and show a proper markup with the proper message on 500 error.

By yuseferi, 28 June, 2015

Creating a multistep form  was not straightforward in Drupal 7, although there were some solutions, like “mforms”,” multistep” and  apparent solution by show/hiding fields by “Field Group” module  but Drupal Developers have struggled to create MultiStep Form,   In this article I’ll try to describe how we can create  MultiStop Form in Drupal 8,it’s not hard as much as it was in Drupal 7, Drupal 8 makes it easy for us, stay with me.


By yuseferi, 7 February, 2015


It's long time Drupal 8 has been released, it's in the middle of the way but it's going to get matured. Drupal 8.5 is going to release on  March 7, 2018. good features are going to released, significant improvements. you can the list of them Drupal Core RoadMap(8.5 + 8.6) 


By yuseferi, 12 January, 2015

Sometimes you need to apply the patch in Drupal 8. as I wrote here after Drupal 8.8, Drupal is more composer friendly CMSF, So you can easily apply custom patches without worry about how to keep the patches available in Drupal core updates.


How to apply a custom patch with composer?

first, you need to install cweagans/composer-patches which is a package to apply patches by composer. you can install it with 

By yuseferi, 9 January, 2014

Twig is one of the  good template engines which is provided by SensioLabs, It’s syntax originates from Jinja and Django template, it’s Secure, Flexible and Fast : 

Twig is a modern template engine for PHP

• Fast: Twig compiles templates down to plain optimized PHP code. The overhead compared to regular PHP code was reduced to the very minimum.