By yuseferi, 3 October, 2016

GraphQL is an application layer query language that interprets a string by a server, which then returns the required data in a specified format. You may have heard that GraphQL was invented to assist or enable Relay. This is false. GraphQL was actually in play nearly three years before Relay.

By yuseferi, 3 October, 2016

On the one hand, you want to deploy changes to the live site QUICKLY (for, say, a Highly Critical security update).

On the other hand, you want make changes SAFELY, ie. you don't want it to break the site.

Testing is good. Automated testing is great.

But what if you simply didn't have the resources to comprehensively test the change (either manually or automatically)?

By yuseferi, 27 September, 2016

A Single Page Application (SPA) offers a desktop experience to users of a web application by loading a single HTML page, and dynamically updating it as required without reloading. However, a Symfony application may have hundreds of classes, and in a basic application we end up with lots of files we don’t really need.


The latest versions of Symfony (2.8 and 3.0) introduce us to the concept of a Single File Application (SFA) – a super-slim application or micro-framework implemented in one file.

By yuseferi, 26 September, 2016

Sooner or later, there will come a time when you will need to migrate your projects to different PHP versions. How will you check if you’re compatible with a PHP version different to the one you’ve been developing on?

By yuseferi, 12 September, 2016

Hey, I got this new web project, but to be honest I haven’t coded much web in a few years and I’ve heard the landscape changed a bit. You are the most up-to date web dev around here right?

-The actual term is Front End engineer, but yeah, I’m the right guy. I do web in 2016. Visualisations, music players, flying drones that play football, you name it. I just came back from JsConf and ReactConf, so I know the latest technologies to create web apps.

By yuseferi, 8 September, 2016
Online blogging and digital marketing has turned out to be exponentially more important in a period of social media and networking. Blogging is one of the most effective approaches to connect with the world, whether you blog to connect on an individual level with others or blog to help promote a business. There are many free blogging sites which offers better opportunities for better development, exposure, and monetization.


By yuseferi, 10 August, 2016

One of the problems of PHP as a programming language is the fact that you can only have single inheritance. This means a class can only inherit from one other class.


However, a lot of the time it would be beneficial to inherit from multiple classes. For example, it might be desirable to inherit methods from a couple of different classes in order to prevent code duplication.

This problem can lead to class that has a long family history of inheritance which often does not make sense.

By yuseferi, 9 July, 2016

As you now I have Msc degree of Artifical Intelligence and Bsc in Software engineering, and several years experiences in programming and Development Especially with Python and Php, Particularly PHP is my incoming language, but I always suffering from it because it had limited abilities,limited libraries, Today, when I was in feed reading, I found an interesting article about  Machine Learning library in PHP with an example of how use this library, How to Analyze Tweet Sentiments with PHP Machine L