
By yuseferi, 3 October, 2016

GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook since 2012. In September 2015 Facebook released it to the public domain. GraphQL is essentially an alternative to REST and despite the name, it's not a Graph Database Query language like Cypher from the Neo4j project.

The origins of GraphQL stem from the needs that Facebook's mobile applications had (and continue to have). They needed a data-fetching API that was flexible enough to describe all the different kinds of data that the social network had available.

By yuseferi, 3 October, 2016

GraphQL is an application layer query language that interprets a string by a server, which then returns the required data in a specified format. You may have heard that GraphQL was invented to assist or enable Relay. This is false. GraphQL was actually in play nearly three years before Relay.